A home for most people is where they spend the majority of their time, and most homeowners will feel better about living in a house that is well cared for. Your house after all says a lot about who you are as a person, and not just from a décor point of view. If rooms appear littered with clothes, dirty windows, work papers and toys, this may suggest to others that you are unorganised. If your home is in desperate need of repairs, guests may see you as an individual that cares little about appearance. A house that is tidy, welcoming and expertly decorated on the other hand will imply that you are a welcoming and organised individual.

Room with big windows and perfect view
Room with big windows and perfect view

Making small repairs to certain areas of your house, as and when required, will cost a lot less than waiting. For example, sash window repairs are best done sooner rather than later. If you decide to sell your home, it is important to remember that potential buyers are often looking to move into a near-perfect house. Keeping your house clean and in order will mean there’s less to do in the long run. Take the windows for example; if you set a day each week to clean this area of your house, this task will take only a few hours. However, if you leave them for months on end, regaining dirt-free windows may require professional help.

It is imperative that you clean sash windows on a regular basis. This will not only make them last a lot longer, it will also allow them to function efficiently. The predominant reason for windows is to let light in and keep draughts out, which may mean replacing a few parts every now and again. It may be easier to pick one specific day per week to complete household chores – a day when you know you have a good few hours on your hands. You will also need to invest in the right tools; a simple solution of soap and water won’t do and will often leave glass looking streaky.

First and foremost, safety is imperative when it comes to scrubbing and dusting windows. Hard-to-reach, high-up areas should be left to a professional, as trying to balance on stools and ladders may result in an injury. Aside from allowing plenty of light in, cleaning also provides an occasion in which to inspect your windows. You may spot the likes of rust, wear and tear or rotting timber. The quicker you spot these signs of damage, the easier and less costly it is to repair them.