This is the holiday house of Karim Rashid, a house described by prefabricated colors and design furniture. The distinctive features of the design star Karim Rashid are undoubtedly the colors and undulating forms. The whole house looks like a modern cabin rental in the woods near the Hudson River, very similar to the choices made in the apartment in New York.

Karim Rashid's holiday house
Karim Rashid’s holiday house
Rashid's living room
Rashid’s living room

The prefab, sold in kit form, dates back to the 50s and is the work of an American architect with German origin called Koch. At that time there were built more than 3,000 units and now Rashid owns one of the 12 that still exist. The designer has replaced the roof and installed an air-conditioned while the rest has remained intact.

Rashid's hall
Rashid’s hall

For a low cost structure as those sold in kit in the 50s, were matched furniture and prototypes designed by Rashid himself. The paintings on the walls by the wife of Rashid, Megan.

Rashid's wife paintings
Rashid’s wife paintings
Rashid's bedroom
Rashid’s bedroom

A holiday home that moves away from the imagination of the little house in the woods. Did you like it?